We are your industry voice in Colorado representing Dealers, salespeople and vendors. Here are a few key benefits we provide to our members.
Download a membership application here.
- We are available to answer questions concerning paperwork and titling
- Educational and training classes throughout the year
- Dealer packet review before submitting to the state for approval
- Dealer, salesperson, and title bonds available through CIADA
- Representing members with our lobbyist team at the Capitol and among the legislators
- Member discounts on forms and supplies available at our office or ordering through our online store
- Member discounts available through Industry Preferred Providers
- Group discounts on healthcare, dental, vision and life insurance with Ep6ix Insurance
- Dealer liability, property, inventory, and workers’ compensation insurance through Acrisure LLC Insurance
- Rebates on parts purchased at Advanced Auto Parts
- Affiliation with Used Car Dealers of Colorado Charity Fund a 501(c)(3) that provides funding for scholarships and help throughout Colorado
- Membership in NIADA included with your CIADA membership
- Your voice in Washington DC
- Legal counsel available at discounted pricing
Get Started. Get Connected. Stay Informed.
- CIADA has been helping Independent Dealers for over 80 years. It was established in 1941, to represent car dealers in Colorado. CIADA has a presence before the state legislature and becomes involved with the regulatory agencies whenever necessary.
- CIADA is the only trade association in Colorado representing the independent used car dealer. The association is organized to assure that control of the policies and activities of the association is in the hands of active dealer members.
- CIADA is dedicated to combating legislation that is unfavorable to used motor vehicle dealers. Alone, a single dealer has little chance of successfully combating legislation and rules that will be harmful to his/her business. Dealers who are united under the CIADA banner have a voice that is commanding and powerful.
- CIADA sends important news and information about the automobile industry to members through the CIADA Front Line digital magazine and monthly e-newsletters. These publications will keep you informed on issues likely to affect your business.
- CIADA is recognized throughout Colorado as the official voice of the used car dealer. The association has an established record of accomplishment and fair dealing. Representatives of CIADA are welcomed and respected by officials of every regulatory agency that deals with the used car industry.
- CIADA proudly includes in its membership dealers of all sizes, from the smallest to the largest. Its strength is in the devotion of its individual members. So, whether your business is large or small, you are urged to join the progressive association, an association dedicated to serving you, the independent used car dealer.
- CIADA provides an up-to-date and user friendly website packed with information ranging from Preferred Providers to requirements for obtaining a dealer license and an online store for all your form and business needs.
- CIADA is always looking for programs and services that are beneficial to the independent dealer.